Enneagram of Personality

I took this personality test and my result was the number three.The number three is associated with being the " achiever". Their ego fixation is vanity and their basic desire is to be valued. Their virtue is truthfulness and their temptation is to please everyone. I scored high in perfectionism,helpfulness and image focus. I scored pretty high on adventurousness as well as anxiety, which may tie together a little bit.

The results of my Enneagram of Personality was not really that surprising to me. I've never done any kind of personality tests so I was pretty interested to see what my result would be. There are many parts of this personality tests that I can see very strongly in myself. The need to be the achiever is something that I can definitely identify with. However, I also believe that the reason I am so apt to please everyone and be the achiever is also due to my birth order, being the oldest child in my family, and being a female. I take truthfulness very seriously. I am the friend you can tell all your secrets too and not have to worry about anything getting out. This ties in with wanting to please also. One of the parts I don't really agree with about this number is all the talk about vanity and wanting to look perfect all the time. I know that I personally want to give off good impressions so I do take care of myself, but I'm not super self absorbed or vain. I can only hope that I don't come off like that to other people!!
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Today was a BEAUTIFUL day!

Hello everyone!
My name is Rachael. I'm currently in the pre-nursing program here at the University of Montana. My main interests revolve around animals and my children are my two tiny dogs. I love the outdoors and anything to do with water. I am a vegetarian, which most people find pretty interesting and I love to talk to anyone that is interested in finding out why.I went to school for two years in Denver to be a veterinary technician. Living and experiencing Denver on my own was one of the most amazing things that I've done in my life... so far. Now I have started on a new adventure and I'm more than excited to see where it leads me.

I love technology, especially cell phones! I'm far from being an expert but I'm all hands on and hate reading instruction manuals. I don't have a lot of experiance with writing blogs. It seems that every time I've attempted to write one (on Myspace) I always end up deleting it shortly after. Things don't always come out on paper (or a computer screen) like they sound in my head. Since it is almost midnight though, this post is going to have to stay! :)
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