Short Stories

I started off the night by listening to the story "Emergency" by Denis Johnson. At first the story grabbed my attention merely because the setting is in a hospital. I find hospitals strangely intoxicating. Don't ask me why because I really have no idea. I could immediately picture myself in the narrators shoes. I could imagine what he was seeing, smelling and hearing. This really excited me because it was truly about an emergency. My major is nursing so picturing the guy that came in with the knife in his eye began to set off my imagination. I was obviously a little disappointed about the lack of care and empathy the knife guy received by the staff. I couldn't stop comparing myself to the nurse,Dr and caregivers in this situation. Not to mention that half of the care staff was high.What would happen if this was the kind of care we all received when we arrived at a hospital emergency room?

The second story I listened to was
"Bullet in the Brain" by Tobias Wolf. I have a tendency to laugh and be extremely sarcastic at some of the worst moments possible so I can relate to this characters personality a little bit. I think it was really interesting when the bullet was described entering and exiting the guys head. However, the most interesting part of this story were the memories that were shared with us. Instead of the cliche "life flashing before your eyes" before dying moment, the guy shared one inspiring memory that happened when he was a boy. Because this was truly the last thing he saw before dying it must have meant a great deal to him. This sparks my interest in wondering what really happens in those last moments...

2 photos:

Molly said...

Yeah - part of the real "horror" of Emergency is in how incompetent the staff is. The story took place in the 70's, so I think today our standards for hiring orderlies has improved somewhat...

terra.schilling said...

I agree with how you felt about the short stories. It is nice to read something different then "life flashing before my eyes" and get a more describing sense.

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