My 3 Op-Eds

Virtual Water

This article starts by stating," The average American is responsible for the consumption of 656,000 gallons of water per year." This article is talking about virtual water though. Virtual water is something you can't really see. Not the water you shower in. It's talking about the water that was used to make your underwear. The article points out how we should be more aware about the water that was used to make things, the invisible water. We don't really think about how many resources we use if we don't see it in use.

Red-Headed Stepchild

This was probably the most interesting article that I read today. I think I found it so interesting because I have so much personal experience with the concert going atmosphere in Missoula. This article is pointing out what a horrible experience going to a concert in Missoula can be, because other people don't follow the correct etiquette. He also points out that a lot of people go to concert, just to be seen. I can't tell you how many people didn't even know who the main band even was, but were going just because their friends were going.

We Are All Fat and Have Cancer

This article was talking about how we can't always eat right, exercise, don't smoke and keep our lives in balance. No matter what there are things we can't avoid such as cancer and accidents. The article kept talking about "blaming the victim". The author was saying that yes, some people die from lung cancer because they did smoke. However, she was also sticking up for the people that get lung cancer and never smoked a day in their lives. It definitely puts a perspective on looking deeper into people's illnesses instead of pointing the finger right away.
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I have found tons of great sources for my search on volunteer work. Here is a list of just a few of them. I have a feeling I will have a huge list to be pulling from. I am so excited! There are tons of sites for volunteer work.

Time; 3/8/2010, Vol. 175 Issue 9, p36-39
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Volunteer Work

I plan on writing my paper on volunteer work. My parents started me down the volunteer path when I was just a kid. We used to go to the humane society and do whatever we could to help out. Since then,I've tried to do as much volunteer work as I could fit into my schedule. This is something that I am obviously very passionate about.I would love to educate as many people as I could about the different opportunities for volunteer work out there, as well as the effect it has on the world.

There have been a bunch of natural disasters lately and speaking with my parents about these issues got me to thinking about what exactly is being done.People keep saying to me "Too bad you aren't a nurse yet, you could really be helping out in Haiti!" I don't think this statement is true. Isn't there a ton of things we could be doing to help besides sending money? Even if you don't have a degree? These questions are exactly what I want to explore in my paper.
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